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safety regulations

When using solarium, it is necessary:
Identify the type of shkіri by scanning the QR code, or by calling the operator. It is categorically fenced off against people who have not reached 18 years old.

For people who take such drugs: tranquilizers, antidepressants, diseases, as well as antibiotics. The preparation increases the sensitivity of the skin and may provoke the allergy.

We are suffering from the cancer of the shkiri, or we have suffered it earlier, or we will be sick to the cancer of the shkiri!
Before introducing a solarium, consult a doctor.

as to be known by the visually of a person with illnesses, as being knitted for light-sensitive, people, who are attracted by light-sensitive. In addition, the solarium is not recommended for people who are sick before the blast appears.

People with natural ruddy hair.

People who may have an abnormal pigmentation on the screen.

People who may be rich in births.

People who do not tolerate smack.

People who don’t want to think about it, because they do not want to think about it without being burnt out in a flood of sun.

To people who have taken away parts of the sleepiness of their children.

Before the session, you can see all the cosmetics from the shkiri.
Know the embellishments.

Do not spend a whole day with cosmetic procedures (cleaning the skin, piling tosho). Tse duzhe great navantazhennya on the shkіra.

It is permissible to deprive the living and hair-loving masks for a session.

Do not open the bath before the session, but for the sauna – because the procedure will let the skin of the natural world go away, and the result of the introduction of solarium can be opic. Also, before the session, you shouldn’t be cute.

Before the session, speed up with special tricks for smacking in the solarium – the stench to make you get the smallest amount of food. Also, be unique in your ability to enjoy yourself.

Cosmetics for smacking will be intensely dull and cold – for a session with solarium, apply lotion to the skin, so that I will show the magic and lock it on the skin.

For an hour to the session, get rid of your hair with a cap, paint your lips with a balm, put on special eyepieces, cover your breasts or speed up with special stickers – “sticks”.

Sunburn in the area of ​​the breasts is even more intense. UVAGA: special eyepieces, which can be added, cannot replace either contact lines, or sensory eyepieces – these are the correct eyepieces, order with the same positions in order to be completed, absolutely!

Inspiration of solarium on the strength of the swiftness of the exchange of words, for that, during the session, try to take three of them.

Do not engage in physical physics for a whole day.

Do not sleep at the solarium for two days.

As soon as you decided to take a shower with solarium, you were taken from the scrabs and so on, so it was nice to revenge.

Vikoristovyte deprived of a dash of meat for a sensitive shkiri.

When poyavі nespodіvanih pobіchnih reaktsіy (napriklad, bezperervne sverbіnnya, yak z’yavlyaєtsya protyagom 48 Godin pіslya pershit session vikoristannya solyarіyu, vіdchuttya pechіnnya, pochervonіnnya, puhirіv, shkіrnih zahvoryuvan) obov’yazkovo potrіbno zvernutisya for medichnoyu konsultatsієyu away before ekspluatatsієyu solyarіyu.

It is not possible on that very day to vikoristovuvat solarium і smagaty on the sun.

With a vicious solarium, it is necessary to seize sensitive parts of the shkiri (scars, tatuyuvannya and state organisation) from the prominence.

Sincerely, smart sun !